So... This is a leaked Pokedex from a Pokémon worker!
Remember that I CAN NOT verify that this is real or not. Here are the mysteries
Chespin evolves into Whirlihog and then Gyrove. Gyrove is Grass/Flying type.
Fennekin evolves into Fennknac and then Fennerva. Fennerva is Fire/Psycic. AWESOME!
Froakie evolves into Ribbule and Bubbaboom. Bubbaboom is just Water. Sorry Froakie lovers.
Now I'm starting to be more sure about choosing Chespin! Come ON! GRASS/FLYING!
Sylvion is.... DRUMROLL... NORMAL!
Houndoom gets an evolution... Houndoomed!
Buggler and Cryscross are Pinsir and Heracross's PRE-EVOLUTIONS!!!
Wastenaut sounds like an evolution of Wobufett, but who knows.
Well, the only questionable thing is... March 15? The game is released in October!
ANOTHER UPDATE... This is probably fake. :( It says NOTHING about Fletchling and Gogoat...
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